Wednesday 17 September 2014

The Pointless Book Review!

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog.  So today I have a non-beauty related post for you as you may have figured from the title.  So today I am going to be doing another review but not on makeup, this will be a review on the Pointless Book by Alfie Deyes.

I personally am in love with this book, the idea, the images, everything about it is very well planned and thought out. I think that this book is great for plane or train journeys, but I do  think that it will be most fun to complete when you are bored as there are so many fun things to do in this book including:
  • Phone Bingo.
  • Hand slaps.
  • O's and X's.
  • Dot to dot.
  • Yoga.
  • The accent challenge.
  • A Dream journal.
  • And so much more!!!
I would highly recommend this book for those of you who get easily bored (like me).  

I do realise that this was a short post with no pictures but I didn't wan't to give too much of the book away, so that if you want it you won't know too much of whats coming.  You can be surprised!  So I hope you enjoyed this review. See you on Sunday guys :)

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