Saturday, 13 September 2014


Hi everyone and welcome to my blog. So this is just going to be a small introduction to what I will be writing about here.

Firstly I will be making posts about the makeup that I have been loving and what I recommend, but I will also post about products that I regret buying and don't recommend because personally I find that interesting to read, but this doesn't happen to me often so please don't expect this on a regular basis haha. Next up I will write about what is currently in fashion and my opinion on what is popular. Finally I will talk about extra little things like movies, books, D.I.Y project ideas, etc, just to have a little bit of variation.

I know this wasn't a very long post and I definitely did not intend for it to be as this was just a short introduction to what my blog will be about. Thanks for reading, and i'll see you next time. :)

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