Friday, 3 October 2014

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

The Pointless Book Review!

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog.  So today I have a non-beauty related post for you as you may have figured from the title.  So today I am going to be doing another review but not on makeup, this will be a review on the Pointless Book by Alfie Deyes.

I personally am in love with this book, the idea, the images, everything about it is very well planned and thought out. I think that this book is great for plane or train journeys, but I do  think that it will be most fun to complete when you are bored as there are so many fun things to do in this book including:
  • Phone Bingo.
  • Hand slaps.
  • O's and X's.
  • Dot to dot.
  • Yoga.
  • The accent challenge.
  • A Dream journal.
  • And so much more!!!
I would highly recommend this book for those of you who get easily bored (like me).  

I do realise that this was a short post with no pictures but I didn't wan't to give too much of the book away, so that if you want it you won't know too much of whats coming.  You can be surprised!  So I hope you enjoyed this review. See you on Sunday guys :)

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Some Info That You Should Know

Why another post?

So this will be my fourth post in the last twenty-four hours haha. This is just to let you know my username on twitter as I have decided to dedicate an account to my blog. Now you will also find my new posting schedule.

The twitter account:

Ok so here is a link to my blog dedicated twitter account:

What will I find on the twitter account?

On the twitter account you will find:

* Updates.
* When a new post is up.
* (Possibly) Blogs that I recommend.
* Miscellaneous tweets.

The Schedule:

So I finally decided on a schedule that works for me.
I will from now on be putting a post up on a Wednesday and a Sunday.


Thanks for reading everyone. See you on Wednesday!

Tanya Burr Lipgloss Review - 'Afternoon Tea'

Hello Everybody.  So today I am writing my first ever makeup review!  The product is the Tanya Burr lipgloss in 'Afternoon Tea'.  I have so many great things to say about this lipgloss so we best get started haha.

The 'afternoon tea' shade is a gorgeous pale pink colour that is great to use on a day to day basis.  I have found that the consistency is just right and not too thick or thin (in my opinion).  I often find when I buy a lipgloss that they are awfully sticky but this however is just right.  Another thing you may want to know is what the applicator is like, it is just the classic sponge tip that you find in most glosses.

Next I would like to talk about the packaging, I think that it is super cute and I love it.  The font, the love heart , everything about it is so nice and pretty I could not think of any way to improve it.  The overall look of the packaging really catches your eye on the shelf and makes you want to have it haha (or is that just me).  Finally I just have to add in that the glosses are reasonably priced at around the £4.50 mark.

Overall I can best describe this gloss as a very bold bubble gum pink colour that really stands out when applied.  I personally think that this product is good value for money and equally as good as some of the high end brands.

Saturday, 13 September 2014


Hi everyone and welcome to my blog. So this is just going to be a small introduction to what I will be writing about here.

Firstly I will be making posts about the makeup that I have been loving and what I recommend, but I will also post about products that I regret buying and don't recommend because personally I find that interesting to read, but this doesn't happen to me often so please don't expect this on a regular basis haha. Next up I will write about what is currently in fashion and my opinion on what is popular. Finally I will talk about extra little things like movies, books, D.I.Y project ideas, etc, just to have a little bit of variation.

I know this wasn't a very long post and I definitely did not intend for it to be as this was just a short introduction to what my blog will be about. Thanks for reading, and i'll see you next time. :)